Starting Gracie Ju-Jitsu with my daughter tomorrow..

I have always hoped to introduce my daughters to the martial arts whenever they became interested in it. Not just so they can defend themselves in an increasingly dangerous world, but also for the confidence and character it builds. I found an awesome course developed specifically for children. It is called "Gracie Bullyproof". If you are at all interested in the martial arts you know who the Gracies are. The course was developed from the system of teaching their family has used over three generations of training very large families. I read a lot about the course and everyone talked about how, long before the actual Ju-Jitsu training started (you start with a whole series of "games" that are just fun and get them started getting used to the physical contact and moves over a year or so), their children became much more confident and carried themselves differently. Shy children started participating more in class at school and making more friends, etc. The reviews were 100% positive. The first thing I noticed from the first DVD, which is the instructional disc for parents, is that these guys have some real insight into teaching children that can be applied not only to training but to everyday life and schooling. That is especially valuable to us since we are homeschooling our children. I am starting to train my oldest daughter tomorrow and she is pumped. (She looks so cute in her little gi). She is almost 5 and we have already been playing around and practicing basic stuff for a month or so while I checked out this course. It is focused on building their confidence and character so they can avoid bullies in the first place but also teaches them how to defend themselves with techniques aimed at subduing and controlling the bully, not hurting them. No punches and kicks. That can come later when she is more mature and is spending more time away from us where the possibility of having to deal with an adult attacker increases. There is even a bonus DVD about teaching them how to avoid, and if necessary deal with, drug dealers and kidnappers etc. I am really looking to forward to this. Not only will it be very beneficial in her life but it gives me an excuse to spend lots of time playing with her! If anyone wants to check the course out it is here: