Running hot.. Can't figure out why.. Please help.

Hi guys. Thanks for all the help so far.

Just as a quick update.

I've checked my plugs after runningthe 69 jets and they are a light brownish color. I've been told this is good so i don't think I need to go with bigger jets. However, today it as only in the low 90s maybe high 80s and I was still running at 190. Which is not bad but with a 2100 cfm electric fan and the mechanical flex fan I think it should be cooler. I could be wrong but from what I hear from other people that's not normal. I don't have any vacuum leaks and I believe the timing is 10 degrees btdc. I'm not quite sure what exactly I should have th timing set too so I just based it on what autozone told me. If anyone can tell me how exactly to find out the timing specs I would really appreciate it.

The water pump is a flowkooler high performance 16 fin pump that I got from summit racing.

I'll post a pic of the pulley later.

I'm not sure what exactly is the cause but I'm running out of ideas. If you guys know of anything else that could cause this please let me know. Like I said before, I was running at the highest 190 in 110 degree weather before and now with this carb it's not doing as good.

One other thing I noticed. My tranny doesn't seem to kick down as soon with this new carb. Could that be a cause?