Starting Gracie Ju-Jitsu with my daughter tomorrow..

Sounds like a pretty good course, and it's never too young to get them going especially on the basics. I hope there is some emphasis in the course on awareness. I preach this in my self defense sessions as I constantly see people walking down the street, in parking lots, etc., that have no clue of what's going on around them. I've seen countless people walking and talking or texting on cell phones who would be an easy target for most anyone up to no good. Proper awareness will go a long way toward discouraging many assaults and confrontations. Hope all goes well with the training.
You are doing your students a great service that some instructors leave out. Staying alert and aware of your surroundings is one of the best things you can do to stay safe. This course devotes an entire DVD to teaching children the to just that as well as how to identify potential bad guys and how to deal with being offered drugs or alcohol. I have only previewed this one since it is later in her training but it looks very good.