Where were you on 9/11/01

I was at my desk at work when the woman in the next cubicle said her mother had just called saying a plane had hit one of the Trade Center towers. We both assumed it was a small private plane or maybe a sightseeing tour plane or something of that nature. Didn't really think anymore about it. In about ten minutes the mother calls back and says, "Another plane just hit the other tower! We saw it happen on TV!" Apparently, they had been watching the news coverage from New York and actually saw the second plane crash into the second tower. Things happened fast after that. People got onto the Web and calls started coming in and management wheeled a TV into the breakroom so we could see what the hell was going on. It was BIG confusion. Some people cried. Some prayed. Most were just stunned. I remember walking my dogs for several nights after that and looking up and not seeing one single plane in the sky. That was creepy.