Where were you on 9/11/01

I was at home having coffee when the Sgt in charge of my shift called the house and told me to grab all my gear and "get to the Sheriff's office, we're on lockdown, terrorists have hit the pentagon, NY, and nobody knows what's next!" I spent 24hrs on duty patrolling around the Sheriff's office checking every vehicle that came in and out, law enforcement and otherwise. The Jail was as quiet as a church, the inmates were all glued to the TV's in their areas. The upsweep of Patriotism after that was nice, and also overwhelming.....I hated the fact that people were calling every cop and firefighter a hero right after that. Yes in a sense they/we are but not a Deputy from Ohio who had nothing to do with anything in NY, Washington, or a field in PA....I didn't like being called "hero" for something I had no connection with, it was my job to keep people safe, from themselves and from others. 9/11 has hightened our awareness, but in some ways we are more complacent and ultimately you can not catch every one who wants to do this country harm. We need a true movement towards God and country, not dollars and power, and go back to not taking any **** from anyone instead of paying them to be our friends and apologizing to our enemies.( Sorry for the mini rant )