Where were you on 9/11/01

I was at work. Had my boss tell me to take a look at a locomotive down on the yard, I was going from one location to another and decided to move my car to a closer spot in the parking lot when the radio said a small plane had crashed into the 1 twin tower. Thought nothing of it and continued onto the locomotive. After a short time of working on the loco I looked up and noticed smoke coming from a not too far distance (our rail yard is only a few mile from the Pentagon). The week before there was a fire at a nearby warehouse so I figured it had caught fire again. Later on is when someone said what was going on and all employees started to walk home (all roads were now gridlocked in DC and you couldn't drive anywhere) I ended up staying at work till 1am and can honestly say I never saw all the TV coverage that went on that day. It wasn't till the next night (9/12) where I actually saw a video of the towers falling.