Riddle me this Bodymen!

You can touch up and no one will ever know. Take Your base and mix an equal part clear, and add your clearcoat hardener and activator. Treating the total weight like its all clearcoat. Scuff with grey scotchbrite. Use a gun, not a brush, and touch up. If its bolt heads Your done. If its a flat surface take a little SRA reducer and lightly spray where the old and new clear meet. It "melts" them together. This melting process is called burning. Two pitfalls here. 1 If You "burn" where the sun hits it, an outer panel, it will look bad in about a year. Its for under hood only in My opinion. 2 If You mix a metallic paint with clear the metallics wont lay down right. Fine for bolt heads but not flat surfaces. Also never mix Your base and clear together if the sun will hit it. It will fade.