I must be a crabby old SOB

66dart,I have been their and done that.And every year it gets worse.One side of the family,wants us for every holiday or event,but are to stupid to figure out that there might be a nother family that just might have the same idea,god forbid that would happen,then the screaming matches start.Got to the piont I told them,the problem side to F*#@ off and if they don,t like it,sit on it and rotate.All of a sudden the next year they are all sweet and when can we make time and sucky,sucky,still tell them to F/O.Xmas is for kids only,period.People want you to buy gifts for other people you do not call or see through the year,like DUH.I see and spend more time with my brother inlaw than i do my three sisters,and only realy talk to one.Some years i do Xmas at one place and new years at the other,then switch,and some times just stay home and they come to me.I find to much B/S at Xmas,to much runnig around and to much kiss *** to peole you do not talk to or see or some times even like.Oh, and you have to spend alot of money on a good gift too in some familys,where as me,you get what you get,take it or leave it.I go a little over board for the little ones(grandchildren) and back off a little on my 2 adult boys,as they need some stuff,but not the world either,Mrmopartech/formerly the canadian scrouge