I must be a crabby old SOB

I do a xmas party with my frend's every year,We play music,shoot a littel pool and do a few shot's and alot of beer.everyone is so sinsear and not putting on a face for everyone.We have been doing our xmas party for 23 year's now, And we all have a grate time,
I do not have a problem with my inlaw's and my family consist of 4 brother's and I only see one of thouse yearround,as a child I lived in migrant camp,s and xmas was not a big deal.
but now I can injoy the season of xmas with my two boy's and my grand kid's,
and I dair any stuck up selfish person to pretend to injoy it at my house.
66dartgt I think that you may have some people around you that just need to get a life and find out it feel's better to give than reseve.
66dartgt marry xmas and I do not see a scruwg here. :coffee2: