5 point harness in a car w/o roll cage...How to do it?

Thats cool. If you get pulled over and have to go to court this is exactly what I would do and say.

Your honor I have pulled my belts out of my car and brought them in today to show you and to prove a point. My factory seat belts built in 1972 that are 2"s wide have been around for 34 years and have no experation date to show when they are past their service life. They have been through 34 years of use and sun wear. Now the 3" belts that I am using are SFI approved and are only certified for use for 5 years then must be sent in to be retested for integerity and recertified. These belts also are manually adjustible and are locked into the setting they are put into with no latch that is 34 years old that I have to depend on to save my life. Also the 3 inch belt will distribute my weight in the event of an accident resulting in less chance of injury. These belts are also built out of a stronger material so the chance of breakage is lessened. So as you can see by what I have explained to you I have actually tried to make my vehicle safer.

How do you like them apples.