Such as thing as factory power windows on a 2-door '74?

I have never seen anything in any Chrysler paperwork showing a power window option on an A-body nor have I ever heard of or seen an A-body with power windows. I worked at a C/P dealership for 4 years (70-74) and nobody ever mentioned them.
I am not saying that it is not possible that some shenanigans might have happened on the assembly line or sometime later on, but I would love to see the documentation.

i hear what yer sayin cause I ain't ever seen anythingon paper about anywhere either. somebody told me the same thing I told you and I aint ever seen the car i wouldda said they were crazy as hell....but I've seen the car.....and a bunch of other people have too. after seen it, I just figured that they made um and never really thought anything about it. after seein this thread though....I've been lookin for proof on the net and there aint any. LOL maybe that's why that guy called Galen in? If I remember right, the car was a '73. It had a beak, I do remember that much. the Ritchie boys are kinda known around here for findin really unusual cars to begin with. Chris also had a factory 74 360 4 speed Dart. I aint ever seen another one of them either.