rat or not to rat

AWWW Crap, come on guys this is...WAS the only forum that I'm part of where I don't...DIDN'T have to worry about seeing that stupid rat rod debate pop up.:angry7:

I stopped going to all mopar shows because I got tired of seeing the same few types of cars over and over again, I stopped going to Goodguys because I got tired of seeing the same oldsters with their dumb straw fedoras and small block chevies crammed into all the 90's style trailer queens and I'm almost ready to stop going to "rat rod" shows until all the dillrods with their pant cuffs rolled up and 2' tall pompadours move onto the next thing. There is almost nothing left!

OOOHHHHH I GOT IT!!!! Lets argue about who's dart is more traditional!!!!:bootysha:

Bags aren't new, they have been used in cars since the 30's so you will still be allowed on the HAMB... I'm sorry.

Damn.....I guess I am gonna have to get a pompadour and some dark blue straight leg jeans. I'm gonna feel kinda gay rolling up the cuffs and t-shirt sleeves though.

Why can't I just be a lone wolf? My wife already considers me a dog.:-D
