I must be a crabby old SOB

My in laws are in Arkansas and my family are here in Houston. We try to do Christmas here and there ever year. One thing I noticed is one are country folk and the other are city folk. Arkansas is more like a three day party. We eat one big meal together in the afternoon and then who ever has the most left overs is the host to the next meal. Sometimes we eat at 4 or 5 different houses. Here in Houston we eat one meal and may not see each other until a birthday or something like that. Seems to be the difference between the hustle of the city and the relaxed atmosphere of the country folks. My sis in law told me that she has a hard time getting anyone to do anything when it's hunting season. Almost like they're not all that interested in the money....hummm...not like us city dwellers. I know I've become more bah humbug about Christmas. We leave for Arkansas tomarrow and when we get there that always changes for some reason.
As for estates, I really dread those days. My uncle recently had a mild stroke and was near death. Both artires in his neck were serverly blocked. My sister's hubby was on the net trying to figure what his land was worth as soon as he heard. When I was talking to my sis a few days later she couldn't say enough about how much they could use the money. Not even one word about how much she hopes he pulls through the surgery ok. Yeah that pissed me off. I hope him and my mom out live all of us. One can only hope. I seem to remember a time when money wasn't more important than family. And it wasn't that long ago.