
I find it hilarious that I'm trying to be a smart *** and it turns out there's an even earlier version than the one I was talking about. I got these tapes about 16 years ago. I haven't watched them for about that long. For some reason a scene where they rush to the bat cave to get dressed sticks in my mind. Their costumes are neatly folded and kept in a drawer in a file cabinet.

I remember when the movie came out for the 60's version. I was VERY young and went with some friends who had older brothers. At that time you bought a ticket and could watch as many times as you wanted as they played the movie over and over again. After watching it I don't know how many times, everyone decided to go home. I wanted to watch it again so I stayed by myself. I was down to my last dime which was either bus fair or popcorn. I figured I knew my way home so popcorn it was. When it came time to go home it turned out I didn't know the way home at all. Ended up that a guy in a bicycle shop was watching me pace back and forth in front of the shop and figured I was lost. Came and took me inside and when the store closed he drove me home. Man, how might that story have turned out.