Hey Leanna,

I for one want to say i really appreciate you doing all of this! I also would like to thank all the members who donated prizes

unfortunatly i have not been on here to congratulate winners since probably the spring, but thats because i hardly ever come one anymore unless i have a tech question (busy driving my mopar! what its meant for!) and two, for some strange reason on this forum, and others too, i dont get email notifications anymore (dont know whats up there, gotta look into it) so i havent even really been checking. Just saw it now since im back in school and spending a bit more time on the computer and i must say i can totally understand where you are coming from.

you put something on like this hoping that you will be appreciated, as well as the prizes and efforts of the other members donating...yet its hard to see, and that is very frustrating...If i won i would be first on here to say thanks (if i my email not. worked lol) and i would probably personally pm you and the members donating the prizes to thank you...this is totally not nescessary and definatly a privelidge for everyone participating, so i think a little more appreciation should be in order.

Mind you, its run its course like you said, and i guess if there wasnt enough interest for another one (had no idea, gotta browse more) then i guess theres nothing you can i said, you have done a great job with this Leanna and thats all you can do...the rest isnt in your hands unfortunatly, but youve made good on everything you said.

For all that, i appreciate the fact that i got to take part in the contest, even though i may not have won or anything...the fact that i had the CHANCE to is what matters.

Thanks big time Leanna and everybody else! Its good to know there are still kind people in this world!

ps. Leanna, maybe those who won the PSC giftcars dont have anything to powdercoat yet lol