That v8 sound.

I really enjoy driving my car late at night on the highway because of the open road ahead of me, and with no traffic, it's just me and my ride.
On my way home tonight, with the engine sounding so smooth, and the cool air keeping the temps down below what you would normally see in the heat of the day, i proceeded to give the engine more rpm.

I then smiled at the sound of a well tuned v8. 8-[
I swear, the more gas,the more the smile on my head increased.:-D
When doing this late at night, you can hear your engine so much better,being the only one on the road.

I love cruising to the local lot and possibly seeing some racing on the weekends, but i will have to say, one of my favorite things is hearing the engine with no other cars around late at night.
I just have to be careful not to fall a sleep ,due to that sweet v8 sound. It's music to my ears. :sleepy1:
