Give up your nachos recipes!!

Now you're talking my kinda chit. Here ya go.
Use your favorite tortilla chips, i like the round ones, and place em on a plate, scattered of course. Use some left over cooked ground beef, or chicken, and scatter the meat over the chips. Place some shreaded cheese over the meat and place in the micro wave for enough time to melt cheese. From this point on you use you favorite vegies to finish off. I chop up some fresh cilantro and shake over the cheese along with diced onions, tomatoes, lettuce and even some finely diced jalepena peppers. After you have all that in place mash up an avacado mixed with some mayo and salt and place it over this dish along with a little sour cream. Some salsa goes good also. Makes some real good snackin. I use it for dinner sometimes. Goes good with a margarita or a good cold beer. Try it, you'll like it.
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