That v8 sound.

Seven or eight years ago, I was westbound on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, somewhere between Pittsburgh and the Ohio border, on a Friday night. It was about 3 or 4 a.m. I was working, driving "the big rig". Not much traffic then, of course. A car came up in my mirror and passed me. It was a 70 or 71 340 Duster. I had the window open, and the distinctive sound of it's 340 brought back memories of when it was an everyday thing to hear motors like that.
It used to be that you could tell what kind of car was driving by, just by the sound. Nowadays, there's nothing. Maybe a fart muffler, or a pick up with a cat-back.
I wondered where that driver was going. I could only assume to a show or event somewhere that weekend.
Nice post, T67. Thanks.