garage heating

krabysniper said
If you have wife and kids or family you love and, that would like to see you around for the next few years, I would strongly urge you to consider a different means of heating your garage. We may not agree on all things or see eye to eye on some matters but I would hate to come here and see a post proclaiming any member of this A body mopar family had died accidently because of a heater in their garage. :sad1:

Kind of over reacting there aren't you

Ventless Heaters have been around for years and there is virtually no reported cases where they have resulted in CO poisoning.

These heaters have efficiency ratings of 99% so to say they spew out CO is a gross exaggeration, yes there is CO but it's so small that unless you install the heater in a sealed room there is no danger. Considering that building codes in many areas allow this type of heater to be installed as the primary heat source the chances of CO poisioning is no greater than from any other type of heating system that uses an open flame. Factor in the fact that garages are not typically very well sealed the danger is reduced even further.

If I followed your recomendations I wouldn't have had a turkey dinner yesterday for fear of CO poisioning from the gas stove in the kitchen which is not vented either.

If you follow the manufacturers directions for installation and use they are a safe and economical way to heat your garage.