5 point harness in a car w/o roll cage...How to do it?

340mopar you are exactly right. They cant do a thing to you if your car came from the factory with only lap belts. If they ever get laws that say we do need airbags, cats, and those over the shoulder harnesses you can bet your bottom dollar I will be knockin on The House of Representives and the Senates doors.

Dusterb318, your exactly right also. Cops around my area will pull a guy driving an older car over for anything and everything. Example (actually happened)

Driver: Lets rev it up a bit when we pull out
Passenger: Alright
Cop 1: *flips on his lights as the driver pulls out on the road*
Cop 2: Does the same as cop 1
Driver: What the hell is going on *pulls over on the side*
Cop 1 and 2: *stops and gets out of the car as cop 3 and 4 roll up*
Driver: Why did I get pulled over?
Cop 1: License, registration, and proof of insurance, please. *takes it back to his car*
Cop 1,2 3, 4 : *Meet in a hudle and talk*
Cop 1: You guys agree that he was hitting the rev limiter when we was pulling out?
Cop 2: I thought he was spinning tires.
Cop 3: I thought I saw him shooting nitrous oxidie off.
Cop 4: I thought it was cause of loud exhaust.

This is true and happened up at Cumberland, Maryland last year in the fall at the bi-annual car cruise. I was standing on the corner of the street when the guy pulled out and revved up the engine. Heard the entire thing then said in a loud tone, "Cops wanting a commision watch out guys!"