Internal Conflict! To change or not to change.

The purist position is that it is only original once. You have the advantage of having a complete car. Legendary has the upholstery and door panels. New seat covers, door gaskets, window channel, and a re-paint in the original hue will make the car seem like new. That being stated, az426hemi has hit the nail on the head in terms of future values. The best value I would expect from a '65 would be a 4-speed, factory air, 4-barrel, with disk brakes.

If you're starting with a car you're not pleased with, do what you want within your means to change the situation. If you do take trim off the car, keep it and the fasteners together and labelled. That way you can either go back or sell it to someone who has a less then complete car and is attempting a full restoration. Ultimately it's your car, your decision, your money, and your time. Do what's best for you. The car doesn't care.