
if you don't care about having to have the pcm flashed I can set you up with a pcm. Now what about mds? You have an mds motor are you going to remove the mds or keep it? If you keep it you are stuck w/ a pcm out of an 06 and up ram or an LX and both will require a skim. If you go w/ an 05 and older ram pcm, you will have to replace the lifters and the retainers to non mds units. Therefor requireing the removal of the heads. It's not hard just really time consuming, unless the motor is out of the car then it's much easier.

back to your pcm deal. If you want a truck pcm you could use 05 or 04, because the main difrence in the 2 was that the 05 has trans support and the 04 doesn't (if your looking at programmers, for custom tuning) but seeing how your removing the trans alltogther, that should not matter. I'll get a price on a pcm for you and I could have it sent direct to hotwire, they could flash it and send it off to you, that would save some shipping time for ya.