Guys, Gals this has been buggin' me....

What a cool idea Hornet! You're a guy after my own heart. Assuming DartT isn't going to have any objections to this whole idea, I want in too. I'll be watching this thread and waiting on the sideline to see how I can help. :-D

I've been subscribed since my first post but have to admit I haven't had much time the last few days to keep up with the daily additions. It's growing as fast as the Sellers Unite!! thread (but hopefully this one's staying on topic LOL). I hope to catch up over the weekend.

DartT, ya know I love ya son ... in the meantime of me finding out for myself by reading the whole thread, if any of this stuff is in need of my services, then let's talk. Take a look at what PSC was able to do with HamesDart when he was getting ready for Pinks All Out. I can make a similar offer to you (it's okay, I know the owner :-D :-D :-D).

I know you've probably got aways to go before you'll be thinking about making it beautiful, but I'll be waiting in the wings when you get there. Don't hesitate to ask if I can help; donated stuff can be shipped directly here to keep the costs down.