Guys, Gals this has been buggin' me....

Ok... I thought about this last night after I got off of the computer...

But Mike, do you have a tool chest of your own? What kind of tools are you working with?

I know of guys with extra tools that they don't use and there are probably some on here. In the long run the tools would be a great idea. So if DarTT doesn't really have much of his own (if you do then never mind), maybe the people that can't give a part can give a tool or two? Even screwdrivers and scrapers help.

I have alot of sockets, but am missing a few here and there. And I have plenty of wrenches and screwdrivers. Thats it really. I do have a very nice craftsman toolchest. I have no pneumatic tools and the only power tool I have is a Porter Cable angle grinder. lol. I also lack a torque wrench which is very important. And a decent multimeter I am also lacking.

Thanks alot Zach! This means quite alot coming from another young gun most of all to me. I actually woulda never thought about this. As I said, I really am stubborn about asking to borrow tools or anything. I almost never will unless there is no other way. So my tool chest is very limited to what I have found abandoned or were given by people who were cleaning out stuff from 30+ years ago. But those two incidents and what little money I scrounged towards tools before has net'd me a pretty decent set. :-D. Thanks again Zach!! Thats what us young guns do best, think on our toes!:cheers: