Stuff stolen from your car

ok i was in my 69 coronet 500 1st car some times she would not start woould have to get under the hood and mess with the brain box wires u know i was 17 18 didnt know how to fix it but i do now any way was a the qt went in to get pop for me and my girl friend now old lady lol and came out and the little dude was at the door of my car talkin to her i was thinking hes asking her bout the car u know but she said loud hurry up babe i was there in a sec he looked at me and said shes going to come home with me fat a$$ i looked at her she was mad and said dude get the f way any b4 i move u hes like 160 wet im 320 lmao well there was a cop in the qt he said u will not do sh@# with a cop there im in the car at this point not wantting to kill the kid not a fair fight and i tryed to start the car and nothing wel f here we go some bad words were said and said he was going to kick my a$$ and started to my side and put his hand in his pockit i told her to stay in the car and as i got out i grabed the 3 foot chain i had under my seat and seen the cop he had that look on him like f#### so i hit him in the ribbs and on his way down he got a knee to the face and he was down and out the cop started over i had done put the chain down lit a cigg and he ask u going to be any trouble i said nop just took out the trash he said what happed and b4 i can say a word my old lady tolled him he ask well prove u cant start it and i know the car would not i cranked and cranked and them opened the hood and hit the wire and told her to hit it fired right up he said well u had no way out of that as the pms showed out to get the dude back in to the world lmao hes bleeding all over the place and them the cop said if he didnt have someing to hit stab me with a can be charged i told him look in his pockit and he did had a swich blade in there cop look at me and said well looks like u can press the charges i said no i just want to talk to him when he came back from la la land he said ok and i look at the guy and ask am i going to have to deal with u any more he said no SIR and asked dont put me in jail and them passed out agin then thay took him to the hospitle i checked he didnt die but never seen him agin funny thing out of it was at 1st i was fat a$$ when it was over i was sir lmao so the guy tried to still my old lady out of my car