'74 Swinger brake lights issues!!!!!

lawndart360 said
I would pull the lens off and look at the socket. You indicated that it illuminates, but does not flash, providing it is the correct bulb, if memory serves it is an 1157, assure that the larger of the two internal elements is illuminating and not the smaller of the two. If it is the smaller, get a short jumper wire and touch the metal frame of the socket and run it to a known good ground and see if this makes a difference. While you're at it, pull the bulb and make sure the contacts are not corroded off, sometimes wiggling the bulb in the socket will reveal a poor connection. Give it a try and see if it gets you anywhere.

Aaaahh! I will give it a shot and see what's the oucome, hopefully to my advantage ;) Well thanks alot lawndart360 and sheets55 I will try both ideas and hopefully I can fix this HUGE problem my self, specially the brake light wires not having elecricity runing in them, I know Ive scared a few drivers on the freeway who are behind me haha they dont know when im stopping, and CA driving is packed.

Mr Mike I was in a little hurry since I was about to go to my dad's house and hes the one with the tools, everytime I want to work on somethin i have to drive aaaallll the way down to his spot haha! But it sure is nice being welcomed by my senior mopar forum friends hehe. Im sure your and the rest of you guy's experiense will be a great help to my restoration!!!