How does my contraption look??

By-pass regs are designed to be inline after carbs. The fuel flows in this order: Fuel tank, filter, HV pump, fuel log which feeds the carbs from two ports, then the reg and back to the tank, just like on many fuel injection systems. Keep in mind there are "dead head" style FI systems with no return off the fuel log.

The only possible way to route as you describe is with four port fuel bowls which are only really availible on Dominators and then the fuel would only cool the top of the carb float bowl. If this would be desired, no return jet would be needed, just another fuel log on the opposite side and then to the regulator and back to the tank. I've never tried this so I can't comment on any gains in regards to driveability with Dominator carbs. Dominators really aren't a street carb, and won't apply to the OPs question. Although they can be and are driven on the street, the cost and tuning requirements for a true street driven car generally preclude this sort of use.

Here's a good link with diagrams in regards to plumbing a return style regulator, note the last diagram:

The second diagram is for some super HV pumps that absolutely must have a non-regulated return for pump cooling.

Only available on Dominators? Really? Then somebody needs to tell me that cause I've been buildin standard Holley bodies with Dominator float bowls for 25 years.

Carburetor badassery has been a hobby of mine pretty much ever since I could hold a screwdriver. See, doin it like this, puts the carburetor AS the fuel exchange point, so cool fuel is IN THE CARB all the time. If the regulator is the exchenge point, as you suggest......and thousands of articles like you posted,the fuel in the carb is never as cool as doin it my way. The dominator bowls are a bolt on mod for these carbs. I got mine on EvilBay for 12.95 ea. This particular carburetor I have moded heavily. It was originally just a little old 3310 750. I installed a rear metering block with jets, Dominator fuel bowls, adjustable secondary diaphragm, 50cc dominator accel pump and cam, electric choke, bigger pump squirters and clear sight plugs. I MIGHT have 100 bucks in what would be a 600 dollar carb new. If yall don't think runnin a return line on a mechanical pump will net any benefits, all I can tell you is, try it. You'll be frikkin sold. Especially routing the return with the dominator float bowls as I have outlined. This puts the carb in the CENTER of the fuel system instead of at one end. Constantly receiving cool fuel IN THE BOWLS is what this accomplishes. Again, yall can go read all the hot rod magazine articles you want to. I've been DOIN this for a long time and It WORKS. You'll NEVER have trouble with boiling fuel or vapor lock and the fuel system will work better than it was designed. ....just so you know, I was doin this before Barry Grant ever produced a carburetor.