67 Dart Build Triangulated 4 link & Mini Tub

bremereric;Cool Deal Louis...I got that talk again from the ole lady last night quote.."all you care about is working on your cars" this is after my wife sat on the phone last night until 10:30...I told her at 8:30 that I was leaving to get something to eat and I did...WTF

needsaresto;It's odd how women "forget" all about the massive amounts of cash they spend on clothes,hair makeup,reicpe books an dollar store junk. My wife used to fight my tooth and nail when I spent anything on my visa for the Dart. Get this nig lecture about how we cant afford it.Then she goes and orders pizza,on my credit card without even asking me. I guess its her card not mine.

Talk about bossy pants.

Well I am glad to hear I am not the only one who gets chewed out! haaa

I Spend $900.00 per month on my 2 girls Dance Competition addiction plus Costumes, private lessons etc. Not counting my sons College Studio Apt in SF that is $1150.00 per month + Food, Books, Cloth's, flights home etc, and my wifes allowance of 4K per month for all the house crap and her spending $$ among other things. No that doesn't include house payments, insurance etc. Don't get me wrong I have a GREAT wife who takes care of everything so I can go Knock down the $$. I truly appreciate what she does because there is NO WAY I could do it.

So my thinking and most of us is "I am going to work on my car and you are not going to STOP me from doing it". It is just the way it is!

I really think it comes down to they think we LOVE our cars or Hobbie more than them because we sometimes pay more attention to the Car instead of them! Which most of us can not argue!

I think I will start a RANT post on the whole subject............that would be hilarious!!