e-bag selling questions

Please send me your phone number from a guy who's been a member: :munky2:Just ask him for his and his address to verify and you prob wont hear from him again.

What do you need to get out of it? :munky2:Just tell him your bottom line maybe he has cash

What's the reserve set at?:munky2: I feel a Reserve is the dumbest thing on EBAY, were not barret jackson. I sell A LOT on ebay all I do is start my aucton at my bottom line for the item, weather its 99 cents or a million dollars, it avoids the dumb questions and keep the B!S! bidders from getting my hopes up and wasting the buyers time if he wants to spend $4500 and its $15000 he wont wast time bidding 20 times.

What would you sell it for locally? :munky2:I just tell them he could be 2 blocks away with a $20,000 check burning a hole in his pocket.

couldn't have stated it better!

sellers who appear to have something to hide are not trustworthy and not worth my or anyone else's time