goodguys alert: 66340Sedan and FISHYPETE!

I can tell you, Keith, my father-in-law had a blast. His cold got to him right around 2 in the afternoon, he told me, but he was having enough fun that he didn't want to say anything.

As a matter of fact, he's asking me email him to website address so he can try to keep up with what's going on and talk to you and your dad. I told him to be careful...the A-body bug will hit and he'll want to replace his Duster. That just got a grin from him, especially when I told him he and Ma could use it on nice Saturday afternoons to go get ice cream and take a walk to down memory lane before the girls came along.

Yup, I'm home. The return trip was 1100 miles on the button and took 15 hours 54 minutes of drive time according the trip computer on the wife's XG. Add in lunch and gas stops the trip took about seventeen and a half hours.

Not even gonna comment on the Yanks/Twins series. The way both teams have played of late I think both will be trying to see how hard they can lose it...:-D