Opinion: Small motors more or less consistent than big motors?

From personal experience and talking to others racing in the Stock class, it appears that the more HP a car has, the more consistent it is.

I can't believe I didn't think of this! It makes a lot of sense.

Please ignore the actual numbers in the following example in favor of the point I'm trying to make.

It takes, say 3-5 additional rwhp across the rpm range to run a 13.20 instead of a 13.30. Less if you're slower than that.

Of course, the weather, or a very slight change in fuel enrichment or engine temp at the starting line or a zillion other things can make a 3-5 rwhp difference, throwing your dial off by a whole tenth.

However, 3-5 rwhp only makes changes in the hundredths or thousandths column when you're running 10.30s or .20s.

Assuming you can hook the faster car consistently, the little stuff will be a lot less likely to sneak up on you.

Maybe now I understand why guys actually spend a lot of money to go faster in a bracket car. LOL.