Single-stage recommendations

I agree StrokerScamp and also agree with Tyler's dad, although I am a veteran hand pinstriper of 50 plus years I dabble in paint and have written several journals in regards to paint and answer questions daily from those who email or phone me.

I don't think that most persons realize that when 2 stage paint is used the base coat is the color yet dries without a gloss and the 2nd stage is the clear yet the catalyst is what gives the clear coat its gloss as well as its hardening capabilities. Painting with a catalyst is very dangerous without proper equipment and ventilation because the catalyst is Isocyanate, a deadly force which can enter through your skin, mouth or nose and attack your nervous system and then kill you. Does anyone remember the Union Carbide explosion some years back in India which killed 15 thousand people, yes it was an Isocyanate explosion.

Persons been painting single stage paints for a hundred years and during the early 20th century nitro cellulous lacquer was king and paint lasted many years but due to the persons who say ' I'm from the government and I am here to help you ' this lead based paint is no longer available or should I say only available on your children's toys which come from China. Even today urethane paints are being phased out into a more stable solution of waterborne which does not mean it is water based which does not mean it does not contain solvents which cannot kill you.

I can go on but I must hit 3 body shops today to repair some pinstriping on vehicles to its pre-accident conditions