Soon time for hibernation!

FASTBACK340 said
Hotwheelsjr said
Winter? What's that?

OK.... I'll give the same description to you that I gave to Craig out in Hawaii.

Open your refidgerator. See all that cold, icy stuff stuck to the food? That's the basic pricipal of snow. Wanna try and walk on the stuff? Strap a frozen Pork chop to the bottom of each shoe and walk on a hardwood floor. Feel free to peel an onion so your eyes are tearing.... and have a few crazed cats zig-zagging between your feet to simulate the deep, ice water puddles.... and keep your balance. Carry a full load of grocery bags or a small, screaming child to add to the experience.

Now take a few of those frozen chops and stick `em in your shorts. Get the picture? Now go stand in the rain and make believe a bus or ride is on their way. It doesn't hurt to be hungry or very late for an important meeting to add to the total effect. Pouring a bottle of ice water down the back of your shirt and into your shoes is an added bounus..... :shock:

Have a nice day :thumrigh:

LOL!! I'm originally from the Albany, NY area. I lived there for my first 18 years of life!! I know all about what you are describing and that was the funniest description of winter I have seen in a VERY long time!! LOL!!

As far as rain goes, Craig, I wish we would get some...that's something we get VERY little of. I have spent 13 years in the Pacific (Okinawa and Philippines) so I know all about the rain you speak of. I kind of miss it here!! LOL!!

Lastly...the remark about having the top down in the true, how true. No tops go down between June and October. :thumrigh:

It got cold here last night...dropped to 62. Expecting high 50's the next two nights...BRRRRRRRR!!! :D :D :D