"Old Guns?" Or the "Unforgiven"?

I remember when our Dad first got his 1970 440-6pk 4 speed convertible Roadrunner, we thought it was the greatest car on the planet. He would thrill all of us "too young guns" by opening up the airgrabber scoop, and we would always awe at the teeth on the side of the scoop. He was never afraid to race it, take us out in the middle of winter and do cookies around the parking lot, or hook a trailer to it and haul his 6 wheel dunebuggy. It had heavy bubblewrap style seatcovers on the white seats to keep us from spilling our icecream on the seats, and we would take that car everywhere. Last time we saw it after the gas crunch, it was up on blocks behind the Chicken Shack in Plymouth, Mi. My brother still has all the pictures and the timeslips from its glory days. I believe it ran a best of 12:37e.t. in completely stock off the showroom form!!! Oh, the days.... Geof