"Old Guns?" Or the "Unforgiven"?

Cool post.

I am 39 y/o and still missed out being old enough to enjoy the muscle car era first hand.

Although I got to see alot of the muscle cars as a kid before they were beat up enough to need restorations I truly envy you guys that were "In deep" back in the day making history in those fine, factory machines.

Yep, I was born 10 years too late.

Same goes for me also cudaspaz. I too remember growing up and a couple of my brothers freinds coming over to the house driving in a 1970 Challenger and '68-69 Chevelle. I remember the most is I'd be down the road at a nieghbor kids house hangin' out,and my brothers freind that had the Challenger drove by heading to my house.....I said see ya' later to the neighbor kid and beelined it home just to look and drool=P~ over his car. The neighbor beside me had new black Volarie Roadrunner also and that was sweet looking too.