How To Beat the Siphoners

The siphoners come to the good neighborhoods to get the gas.

yes, they do...i live in a good neighborhood. well, working class, but clean and relatively crime free, there are also a lot of other classics in my hood. the classics are of course easier to hit. what pisses me off is i use my car for running kids and doing after school daycare, if i ran out of gas with kids in the car it could be ugly. above and beyond that, anyone messing with my car PERIOD boils my blood. had my deck lid kicked in by one of the ex'es (we just split up) 'friends' and it's a $500-700 damage. right before that happened, his ex cut his brake lines and more.

who rakes their freaking yard at 3 AM? they must have been tweekers. that's definitely a great story!

good to know all of this stuff, thanks so much! and thanks for helping to bring some levity to the situation. i guess i should be grateful i don't have a hole in my tank. who DOES that!!!! jeebus!