PhotoIsland shutting down forever

I found this on another site, talking about the same thing.


Digitalstar is one of the newest Sources I have found. It's possible to upload the Pictures and post them without resizing and without any reduction in quality. You have to sign up with an easy Overview. After you have built up your albums you can view them in full size and that's exactly the Link that you need for posting in here.


Digital Pose is one of the most used free picture hosts at the moment I believe. It is faster with it´s loading of images like many hosts but you suffer from quality reductions, image size reduction and always a little commercial line at the bottom of every image.
I have not used this host very often, but it seems to be a very good host. No Bandwidth restrictions which means - unlimited Bandwidth!!! And you can upload anything.

Once you have your login information in your email, you can now connect to their servers via FTP. You will need an FTP program such as WSFTP or CuteFTP. In your FTP program just enter our FTP address which is and enter your login and password into the appropriate fields and you're ready to connect and start publishing or in technical terms "upload" your web site.

Seems to be a stable image host. Choose the free hosting option where you are required to insert your Email ID, password and first just like last Name. You can insert any Pseudo you want to use... The hosted picture is resized but I haven´t seen any loss of quality.thanx Otto...

Ecomplanet was once my absolutely number one. They don't change your image size or quality but are only allowed a maximum of ten images per account. Yoou will need to "Build a free Website" and then follow the Instructions and it should work.

Start your free trial membership at the bottom of the Site. You're required to insert some Information about yourself but you are given unlimited space with no quality reduction. You are required to pay after 14 days of use. Images are resized and you are not allowed to link to the original image.

This Host is very easy to set up. They do not ask for much personal information. The only thing you need to have is an e-mail account. There is a bandwidth limit of 5 MB per day. This means your pics will not be online very often.

A very nice pay host with open galleries for public. The Pictures open fast and it is also possible to link to your whole gallery. At Pbase you will also find a lot of candid shooter´s because it seems to be their host of choice. Logon with your e-mail account like in most image hosts and start uploading your images to post them.