2nd Annual Chryslers in the Canyon Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Artwork for the T-Shirts is done! We will have brisket for about 100 people and grills going to cook what you bring! If you wanna bring bread or buns or sides that would be great! Here is what the shirts will look like on one side.

Cost will be $15 or less not sure if we will have kid sizes yet. If you want a shirt pease PM TexasStroker!Here's a map I borrowed from the musical drama's site.. The meeting place for the cruise down is right on the east side of Canyon in the parking lot of the University's Events Center. This is the intersection of Russell Long Blvd and E 4th Ave. If you want to join in the cruise down as a group be there at 11:30 AM. Canyon Texas is the town, Palo Duro Canyon is the state park.