bad boy 273 cid why not

LOL: You post "Bad Boy 273, why not?" and then people give you reasons "why not", so you attack them. Very nice.

To sum up:
I guess if you don't care about $$ per horsepower, resale value, parts availability or performance actually achieved at the end of the day, there's no reason not to build one!


After all, there's hundreds of guys pouring buckets of $$$ into Hondas with the same attitude.

You kind of get what you ask for when you post a thread:

Maybe you meant to post, "I want to build a high revving 273 to run 12s. How do I do it?"

Or maybe you thought everyone would just respond "WoW! That's a great idea, I can't believe I never thought of building a 273 to run 12s. There's NO DOWNSIDE! Let me drop to your feet and bask in your divine glory."