Does anyone know where...

The Chrysler Historical Society can help you big time, search for them on google and email them your problem and they will fix it for you. I know this for a fact.

Another thing not that this will make any sense to some but you are allowed to remove and replace the vin tag and usually is done when restoring a vehicle, some will argue but its just like removing the tag on a pillow which reads only the owner can remove the tag, its a federal law.

Chrysler Historical society will work with you and send you papers because 1/2 of the DMV in the country don't know Jack
I thought of that and found an address and sent an e-mail a few days ago. No response yet. But are you talking about their program to get a copy of the original build sheet from them. Fortunately I found the original build sheet under the back seat, and tried to explain to them how Chrysler applied the numbers to the cars, but that doesn't seem to be enough now.