To my FABO Family

OK then....
After meeting with yet another Dr in what is turning into a fairly large amount of them....

I will be getting a Veinous Port placed in my chest last week of October.
This is to ease the burden on my body by having a single point for the IV's, blood draws and so on. (And no, it does not play mp3's).

I will be starting Chemo in the first week of November.
The 2 drugs they are starting me on are Cisplatin and Taxotere.
Sometime later I will be starting Radiation too.
News on that when I know more myself.

That's my update for now.

Bruce B.

PS: Thanks again for all of you'alls support, prayers, and good wishes!!!
Talking to you guys also lightens my days and takes my mind offa the pain and worries.