Tips for applying to work as a Mechanic...

Drake, You've already passed the first test. You're smart enough to ask. That's a plus in your favor. I'm not a mechanic but have employed many people in my time and i'll clue ya in on what i look for, thus giving you a perspective from the other side of the fence. Be honest. Let em know that you are smart enough to know that if you cant make them money then they dont need you. Even if you are an oil changer, keep your head in the game. You know what's ok in and under a car so while you're under that unit, look around and when you spot something that needs attention let the right people know. That will make the company money and protect the guy or gal driving the car. Who knows, the 30 seconds of you looking around may save a life. You're in the service industry so provide just that. Im my world i dont mind paying for service....good service. Dont forget to tighten the drain plug.
Good luck and we're behind ya.
Small Block