explorer 8.8 in an a-body: experience needed

i am not equipped to rebuild my hogshead myself. the good shop a few town over qupted me 900.

this is my 4th bad hogshead in a row. this one lasted longer than the rest, though. well, except for the 3.23 sure grip. that was a good one....

to be honest, im getting sick of the 8.75 goving me crap every time i turn around.
shopping for the parts myself
overhaul kit for bearings and other parts: 221
gears: 359
axle bearings 60

total 640
not including install
or rear discs
or rebuilding my sure grip

so, theres a reason im willing to screw around with a ford axle for a while.

i also wanna know, since im getting a lot of guys saying that its cheaper to rebuild mine, where are they getting theor parts and labor? or how are they doing the math?