explorer 8.8 in an a-body: experience needed

These are all good enough reasons to do exactly what it is that you need to do according to your own reasoning and decisions and I wholeheartedly agree with you four. In the past I've used a V8 Monza rear w/ strange axles in my mid 10 second Vega when there were those who said use a 12 bolt or 9" but I knew what it needed as a street car.

I agree with those who take the bull by the horns approach rather then play games with originality after all this is our vehicles and not some purist whose never taken a chance other then buying a lotto ticket. George Barris once said ' anyone can restore a car but it takes a real man to chop it up ' and that is something I agree with in a way where if the vehicle didn't come with the equipment you need why can't we just change it. Reminds me of those who don't not want to cut their doors for speakers, yet will add a stereo when the only radios in the 60's were mono as radio channels hadn't broadcast in stereo as of yet so some installed reverberators on their radios.

Oh well enough education for today as I am going back too far in time for some of you :)