Valve covers, on motor and two I am working with.

Well, I have picked up three valve covers as of recent and already tossed two of them I bought cause they were junk! The crappy looking one I got about a week ago. I bought it sight unseen and was told it was decent. If this is considered decent I gotta tweak my search requests and ask for a REAL NICE one instead. All I am trying to do is get a straight undented valve cover that is not all scaled with rust and I have been having a time trying to get one. The one painted nice is in the color of the motor in my car now. The cruddy one was to be blasted and chromed but thats not gonna happen with this one. The one on the engine is one of them cheapo Ebay ones that will not be getting any use from me when the motor is done. The motor on the stand is rebuilt but needs paint and detail. The motor in the car is on its ay out for the rebuilt one. I have one of the Offy valve covers too but wanted a stocker in chrome instead. I am going to keep my search open for a good cover but I am through buying stuff I cant use. Sory about the whine, just a little discouraged at the moment!!