has anyone used the abs headliner for 72-76?????????????????????????????????????????

i just tried to order it, by your catolog # and i cannot get it to give me the discount. id would buy it for the 199.00 but i really hate to spend 249.00 any help 72?

no I did not order the sail panels.

thats one of the few interior parts year one does not offer ( not in the catalog anyhow).

as for them not wanting to give it to you for the $199.00 price thats in the catalog.....its probably just a matter of getting the right person on the phone willing to work with you.

they are suppose to honor the price in the catalog considering that it is the new catalog that SHOULD have the most up to date prices.

which is why they gave it to me for the catalog price.

I believe Kevin King (president of year one) has his personal business phone number available and takes calls personally and if it came down to it I am sure he would get it worked out for you .....he is a great guy from what I have seen.

try calling them again and speaking to someone else and tell them you have the recent catalog and that the price says $199.99 ......they didnt give me any hassle over it when I got mine.

Good luck!