A-holes at Autozone

Time for my '95 Ram 2500 truck's bi-annual California smog check so I stopped in at a new AutoZone on a Saturday morning to pick up some new plugs. Of course, I went through the "what vehicle/what engine/etc" quiz (I love when they ask if it's got air conditioning or not, as if that makes a difference in the spark plugs).
When I told them it's a V10, I get the answer that plugs are boxed in sets of four. So, do the math and sell me two full boxes and break the 3rd box.
After the panicked look left his face, it turned out he only had two boxes in stock and had to order the other 2 plugs from his warehouse.
I was told they'd be in later that day and they'd call me when they arrived. Of course, I never heard from them at all. Went in the following weekend and got all sorts of apologies from the manager and frightened looks from the guy who originally helped me the weekend before.