1967-69 Registry

Those interested in a registry for 67-69 Barracudas send me your info, fender tags, build sheets, build cards, vins, whatever you have.

If you have a 67 I highly suggest you get a copy of the build card from Chrysler- $45, and I can easily decode that.

I understand the need to keep personal information, well personal, so keep in mind I am not looking to gather vins for my criminal empire or anything- so send what you feel comfortable sending.

Let me know what information you are looking for, or what you hope to gain from a registry?
And anything else you can think of?

As we get going I can post stuff, like who has the first 67 built- so far, and other stuff to keep everyone interested.

Like I stated before, I have gathered a number of build sheets, fender tags, etc, just to increase my knowledge about my own car- I am not an expert but I am more than happy to share knowledge!

If I get enough responses I'll start a thread for this, and then a website.

I was stupid by not putting Barracuda in the Title line. If you start the next thread with "1967-69 Barracuda registry" when people search for it Google will pick it up and send them here to this site! I will try it on this response and see if it will work.

Lets get this thing going!! My dad asked me last night if doing this could help him find his First 67 Fasback 383 4spd Formula "S" that he had in 1970. All I could tell him was Maybe, You never know!?