Trip to Chicago from Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

And more of the car show.

This was absolutely beautiful in person.

And we drove out to Devil's Tower.

We camped the night near Devil's Tower in a campground, and spotted this funky Dodge van. Before going to sleep, Evelyn and I were brushing our teeth, and standing on the edge of the forest line. All of a sudden I hear a loud vicious snarl, and turn to see Evelyn running for the car. She locks all the doors and leaves me outside with whatever was there, so I grabbed a large branch, and waited by the car. Finally she realizes, 'Hey maybe Mike doesn't want to get eaten by wolves either' and lets me in. I turn the headlights on, and out of the bush run two huge wolves. Thanks Ev.

On the drive, we pulled over to get a picture of the buffalo.

I think that one is about to take a crap..