depressing newbe question of the day

Let's not assume the worst without checking things over first. You said the tranny fluid level was ok, how does it smell? How does it look? If it has a nice red color and no burnt smell, let's look elsewhere. If the fluid is dark, getting to a brownish color or has a burnt smell you would have tranny problems.

As for your noise, if the tranny fluid looks ok, I would look at the U joints first. Can you grease them? Do you know how long they've been in there? Check your motor mounts. Are they biskit or spool mounts? Check the one on the right side close. Check the tranny mount. Check your differential fluid level and change the tranny fluid & filter. Check your brakes. Rev the engine and look for anything rubbing or binding along the inner fenders/firewall.

Lots of things to check over before assuming the worst.